ZNR 46 (2024) Heft 3/4


    Eine soziologische Wende und die Entstehung der Lehre vom guten alten Recht bei Fritz Kern, in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 177–196

The well circulated and many times criticized Doctrine of the “good old law” by Fritz Kern is supposed to be described mainly in his two works: “Gottesgnadentum und Widerstandsrecht im früheren Mittelalter” and “Recht und Verfassung im Mittelalter”. However, the former is led by a concept of collision of several legal elements, like Germanic and Christian ideas or the sovereignty of the people and absolutism, which reminds us of Otto von Gierke’s way of thinking. The latter seems, in contrast to that, strongly influenced by the theory of Ferdinand Tönnies and strictly distinguishes the medieval and modern understandings of law, which was an epoch-making event of introducing the sociological typology into legal history. These results are also confirmed by analyzing another treatise he wrote between the two works, “Über die mittelalterliche Anschauung vom Recht”. Kern and Tönnies shared a similar destiny in the Nazi era, when the conceptions of those for the regime unwelcomed scholars were turned into theories endorsing or conforming to the Nazi ideology.

  • STEPHAN WAGNER, Halle (Saale)
    The German Reception of the Franco-Italian Draft Code of Obligations (1927), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 197–219

The Franco-Italian Draft Code of Obligations (DCO) prepared by French and Italian experts from 1916 until 1927 is not only of importance for these two countries but also for others. In particular, German lawyers focus on the DCO, first in the Weimar Republic, and then, inspired by the Rome–Berlin Axis, in the Third Reich. In the Weimar Republic the DCO is principally the object of legal comparison. These are on the one hand two reports in Italian by Erwin Riezler and Paul Oertmann dealing with its regime of invalidity of contracts respectively law of unjustified enrichment and law of delict published 1930 in the Annuario di diritto comparato e di studi legislativi, and on the other hand the first volume of Ernst Rabel’s groundbreaking “Law of the Sale of Goods” (Recht des Warenkaufs) released, however, in 1936. After the seizure of power by the National Socialists the DCO is even actually consulted in the course of legislative projects at the Akademie für Deutsches Recht as in the exposé and memorandum on the doctrine of default (Lehre von den Leistungsstörungen) presented by Heinrich Stoll. In addition, the institutionalisation of legal cooperation between Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy leads to the creation of the Working Group for German-Italian legal relations. Thus, its conferences have to be taken into account as well, to see who relies in which context and to what extent to the concepts and provisions of the DCO.

  • NILS HAUSER, Berlin
    „Unter Ausschluss des Rechtsweges“? Zur Rolle von § 164 StGB beim ‚Rechtsschutz‘ ohne Rechtsweg gegen die Entlassung nach dem Gesetz zur Wiederherstellung des Berufsbeamtentums, in: in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 220–230

This article explores the interaction between criminal and public law using the historical example of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service and Section 164 of the German Criminal Code (StGB) and their application in the years 1933 to 1935. To this end, the author first presents the main features of the Law for the Restoration of the Professional Civil Service and the amendment of Section 164 StGB by the National Socialists, before moving on to the interplay between the two laws in practice. In doing so, the author shows that – although legal recourse was excluded under the latter law – Section 164 (2) StGB, which was introduced by the National Socialists themselves, opened up the possibility of seeking “legal protection” against the National Socialist “cleansing” of the civil service. The National Socialist administration successfully prevented a judicial review of this “cleansing”, but the charges against potential denunciators nevertheless had an effect by forcing the administration to review its dismissal decisions.


    A Short Introduction to Research in the History of International Law: Current State, Contexts and Perspectives, in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 231–278

This article provides a short introduction into recent research on the history of international law (or international legal history or history and theory of international law as it is often referred to as well). It is intended not only to familiarize interested legal historians with the subject, but also to provide initial orientation for legal scholars, researchers of related disciplines, and also for students. On a global scholarly scale, the history of international law has been one of the most active fields of legal historical research over the past years. Therefore, the attempt to offer an overview of the latest discussions and recent developments in the field is a challenging task. This article approaches this challenge in four steps and concludes with a short résumé. The first two parts address the scope, definition and periodizations of international legal historiography as it can be found in current scholarship. The third part discusses the institutional context of the “turn to history” in international law and provides a synopsis of source materials and resources that are frequently used in the history of international law. The fourth part introduces different research themes, methods and theories in the field. For this purpose, the article presents different aspects of substantive debates in the history of human rights law and the history of international economic law. Eventually, the research report ends with a discussion of the lively and current methodological debates within the discipline and suggests some venues for further research in the history of international law.


  • TZUNG-MOU WU, Taipei
    Taiwan, in: in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 279–289

This report provides a concise overview of the development of legal history as a scholarly discipline on the island of Taiwan, spanning from the late 1920s to the present day.2) Drawing on the most recent available data, it begins with an examination of Taiwan’s legal education system, the population of legal historians, and the learned societies they have established. The report is structured chronologically, divided into two main periods: the first extending from the early twentieth century to the late 1980s, and the second from the 1990s to the present. This report concludes with discussions of characteristics and trends in Taiwan’s historical legal research.


  • Stefan Ruppert, Recht hält jung. Zur Entstehung der Jugend aus rechtshistorischer Sicht: Deutschland im langen 19. Jahrhundert (ca. 1800–1919) (= Studien zur europäischen Rechtsgeschichte 333, Lebensalter und Recht 9). Vittorio Klostermann, Frankfurt am Main 2023 (Susanne Hähnchen), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 291–292
  • Anna-Lena Otzen, Aequitas und aequitas cerebrina bei Christian Thomasius. Eine Einordnung in sein Naturrecht (= Schriften der Albrecht Mendelssohn Bartholdy Graduate School of Law 9). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2023 (Christian M. König), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 292–294
  • Kristin Boosfeld, Die Lehren von der Statutenkollision. Eine Deutungsgeschichte aus Raum und Recht (= Grundlagen der Rechtswissenschaft 46). Mohr Siebeck, Tübingen 2023 (Maximiliane Kriechbaum), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 294–299
  • Sebastian Weber, Die Revision des schweizerischen Obligationenrechts von 1911/1912 (= Freiburger Rechtsgeschichtliche Abhandlungen. Neue Folge 83). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2023 (Nikolaus Linder), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 299–302
  • Adrian Schmidt-Recla – Achim Seifert (Hrsg), Das Recht der DDR als Gegenstand der Rechtsgeschichte. Böhlau, Wien 2022 (Martin Löhnig), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 302–304
  • Alexander Ludewig, Das Kehdinger Landrecht von 1662. Partikularrecht und Justizwesen einer Landesgemeinde in der Epoche des Usus modernus pandectarum (= Rechtshistorische Reihe 499). Peter Lang, Berlin ua 2023 (Bernd Mertens), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 304–306
  • Ulrich Eisenhardt, Kaiserliche Gerichtsprivilegien. Ihre Bedeutung für die Entwicklung der Rechtspflege im Alten Reich (= Quellen und Forschungen zur Höchsten Gerichtsbarkeit im Alten Reich 78). Böhlau Verlag, Wien Köln 2023 (Heinz Mohnhaupt), in: ZNR 46 (2024), 306–309
  • Anette Baumann, Karten vor Gericht. Augenscheinkarten der Vormoderne als Beweismittel. wbg Academic, Darmstadt 2022 (Franziska Niedrist), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 309–312
  • Paul Hüther – André Lepej, Karl Zeidler (1923–1962). Staats- und Verwaltungsrecht in der jungen Bundesrepublik (= Schriften zur Rechtsgeschichte 12). Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 2023 (Margrit Seckelmann), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 313–315
  • Paul Gerlach, Die Carmerschen Justizreformen im Herzogtum Schlesien und im Königreich Preußen unter Friedrich dem Großen (= Rechtsgeschichtliche Forschungen 2). Nomos, Baden-Baden 2023 (Tobias Schenk), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 316–318
  • Andreas Deutsch (Hrsg), Stadtrechte und Stadtrechtsreformationen (= Akademiekonferenzen. Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Rechtswörterbuches 32). Universitätsverlag Winter, Heidelberg 2021 (Johannes Ulbricht), in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 318–320

Zeitschriftenschau, in: ZNR 46 (2024), S. 321–358